Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Booty and the Blessings

So here is a picture of my booty....

Sorry to disappoint, but I wasn't talking about that booty. I'm talking about my booty like a pirate's booty or loot! It seems like every day I come home to boxes at my front door from Maybelline. Usually they're filled with boring stuff like papers, coupons, free samples to pass out. But yesterday I opened up a box and found this stuff inside! It was like Christmas all over again! Nevermind the fact that a lot of it is in colors that I wouldn't choose or that won't match my skin tone (I'm thinking of making a trip to Wal-Mart for an exchange), I'm just excited to get free stuff!

While on the topic of Maybelling and my job, the second part of this blog is in regards to some blessings I received that I wanted to document (since this is as good as it gets in the journal department for me). Just before Thanksgiving I finally got a key to the Maybelline storage unit in Bentonville. It's just a small storage unit filled with boxes and fixtures and random stuff, but I'd been trying for a couple months to get the key from a very busy lady who works around here for Maybelline putting together the Wal-Mart Maybelline walls. Anyway, I got the key one morning in November and went to the unit to look for a few things, and had the hardest time with the lock! It was an old rusted padlock, and I could hardly get it open. It was even harder to get it shut! I struggled and struggled and finally put the small key down on the cement outside of the door to work on getting the padlock locked. Finally! it locked and I was on my way!
Fast forward to two weeks later, the beginning of December. I made a quick stop at the storage unit to pick up an eyeshadow tray I needed to replace in a store. I jumped out of the van and put the small key on my keychain into the padlock--or should I say "tried" to put it in. No matter which way I turned the key or how hard I wiggled the padlock the key wouldn't even fit into the hole! I was getting desparate when I finally remembered putting the small key on the cement the last time I was there while struggling to get the padlock locked. Had I remembered to pick it up? Was this key on my keychain even the right key? If not, what is this key on my keychain, and even more importantly, where is the key to this storage unit that I just got two weeks ago? YIKES! I got really worried for a minute, thinking of what an idiot I would look like calling the lady back and telling her that I'd already lost the key--after using it only once!
I got back in the car where Dallin and Trista were waiting for me and I said, "Dallin, we need to pray!" So we did. We prayed that I would be able to remember what I did with the key and that when I did I would be able to find it. As I finished praying I felt like I should start driving. So I slowly made a circle around all of the storage buildings, just to make sure I was even at the right unit, and ended up where I had been before, in front of the correct unit. But as I stopped the van, I looked out the window and my eyes went directly to a place in the gravel where a small gold key was barely poking out of the dirt and rocks. I jumped out and grabbed the key. I couldn't believe it! Well, I could believe it because I know the Lord answers our prayers, but I was so excited! Was this the key I had put down a few weeks ago while wrestling with the padlock?
I put the key into the old rusted padlock and, VOILA, it fit! And, DANG-IT, that was about it! I couldn't turn it at all, couldn't even get it to budge! I took the key out and tried it in the adjacent units' locks (just to see if it happened to be to another lock that wasn't mine) but it definately didn't fit in those. It had to be my key! So I tried again, to no avail. "Okay, that's it," I thought. "I need to pray again!" So once again I prayed, "Please, let me able to turn the key, let the lock open, let me get in! Please don't make me have to tell the other lady what an idiot I am!"
I tried the lock again. I put the key in, wiggled it a little bit and AAHHHH (picture the clouds opening up and angels descending with some really pretty background music)! The lock opened! I got in! I got what I needed, very carefully put the little gold key onto my keyring this time instead of on the ground, and was on my way. I am so blessed! I was/am so grateful that he helped me with something that in the long run is so trivial, but to me at that moment was so important.


Carley said...

It's great that the Lord answers such trivial prayers. I think that makes a testimony grow just as strong as the more important prayers if not more.

Megan said...

Thanks Vicky, I really needed to read that today. It was awesome litening to you tell the story.